
This companion blog mainly hosts links that I want to mark for later reference. It's my virtual collection. As I read through literally thousands of blog postings, patterns naturally reveal themselves. Hey, it's a hobby that I enjoy. All links are gathered manually, i.e., I do not use any kind of automated search query. I figure I might as well share what I've found. Plus, I'm using this as a tester blog, so you might see a few oddities from time to time.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

PSA or good marketing ploy?

edited 02/25/11 - I have really mixed feelings (read: good and bad) about promotion and advertising in blogs, especially nature blogs. I certainly promote websites, books, and places I find useful... and, no, I'm not savvy enough to get paid or free stuff for my promotions. While I'm impressed with the power of getting the word out for causes, it always startles me a bit when I see product placements in my reader. I'm talking about actual content, not those cheesy google ads to the side and below posts. Speaking of those cheesy google ads, does anyone actually make money off those, besides google? It helps when people post disclosures that they may be getting free products or paid for their reviews, but they're often hidden. The blog posts below are for my own reference and their inclusion is in no way intended as a slight to any of the bloggers. The fact that I even have these listed is because I like and follow their blogs.



product placement and discussion:

AdSense (aka cheesy google ads):

ad-free blog:

embedded links:


Jayne said...

Hi Katie,

Truthfully, I have absolutely NO personal interest in Verizon, was going to be going out of the country for the first time in my life, and was only sharing my experience in trying to find a way to stay in touch at home (I have an autistic son). I only shared my experience so that others might benefit. My blog is not about "promoting commercial interests" but rather sharing my experiences in life. I have no "ads" as I see plastered on many blogs, and would never pretend to covertly represent any business.

Jayne at Journey Through Grace

Jayne said...

LOL... just noticed the link about my PJ's as well. Again, only sharing what I have found to be a wonderful antidote to sleeping uncomfortably. No different than if I were talking to a friend at work and telling her about my new PJ's. Is it the link to the company that offends you?

Katie (Nature ID) said...

Hi Jayne -

You have my sincere apologies. So few people ever read this companion blog, that I DID NOT THINK before posting with plans to edit later. I've edited the above to include the larger picture.

Truth be told, indeed, it was your Verizon post that started me thinking about the advertising aspect of blogs. With your stock photo and comments after mine, which were structured in a peculiar way, I figured you and your other commenters all worked for Verizon. The reason why I came to this conclusion was that my husband worked for an online company for years and the marketing folks pressured everyone to promote their campaigns on facebook, personal blogs, and elsewhere online. It was a company practice we both felt was deceptive and probably not very effective.

It's interesting you found this post so quickly. Do you check your backlinks?

Jayne said...


I have Sitemeter on my blog and sometimes like to see where the referral sources are coming from and happened to check it this morning when I saw a link to this post.

I am simply a mom, a wife, a nurse, and a fellow Blogger (who never touted her blog as just a "nature blog" BTW) who shares her experiences in life. Nothing more. When I was searching for a phone to take to Ireland, it was dizzying to see what all is available, and so I really *was* thrilled when I found that c-net article and saw that most cell carriers (not just Verizon) do offer their customers this service.

I am posting about this issue on my blog tomorrow. It will be interesting to get other people's take on this.

Thanks (I think)


Katie (Nature ID) said...

Jayne -

Thank you for your comments. You still feel a bit heated to me. I'm not sure who you think I am - I, too, am simply a blogger doing her thing. If you look at the other links in this post (not to mention all my other posts on this companion blog), the topic of blog advertising and promotion is not new. With the recent successful UK campaign to save the forests, the influence of blogs has been on my mind. As an active blogger, I think about this kind of stuff from time to time. Say the word and I will "promptly and cheerfully remove your links" or if you'd prefer, I can remove this post entirely. Seriously, I'm not that fussed about it. However, I am concerned that you seem so put off, especially since I really like your blog. It is not my intent to personally offend anyone.

I wish you well,

Jayne said...

Hi Katie,

After a few days of thinking, I do believe I would like to request that you remove the links to my posts. It does misrepresent me and what my blog has been about for the past five years, and gives the insinuation that I am somehow not being truthful. I may be a good number of things, but dishonest is not one of them.

Thank you,


Katie (Nature ID) said...

I've removed your links, but I'll leave it up to you whether you want your comments also deleted. Cheers.